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OrderlyPrint screenshot

Show only unfulfilled items and quantities on packing slips

Packing Slips are essential documents when shipping your Shopify orders to customers. Our updated packing slip feature in OrderlyPrint now allow you to easily include only the unfulfilled line ite...

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Hide digital products from pick and pack documents

Some products may not requiring shipping, such as digital products. To make your picking and packing process faster, you can now hide those products from the Picking List and Packing Slip document...

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Additional fields available on Custom Export files

We've improved the custom export feature further. You can now include more columns that include information from the Order and Products in your exports, making the files much more useful. To creat...

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Custom export files

OrderlyPrint now supports creating fully custom export files, so you can include the exact columns and data that you need to make processes as efficient as possible. For example, you may want to e...

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Filter and process up to 500 orders at once

OrderlyPrint got a big update, making it possible to filter and process up to 500 orders at once ⚡️  This was a highly requested feature and makes picking, packing and fulfilling large numbers of...

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Customize the fulfillment carriers list

You can now customize the list of shipping carriers shown when fulfilling orders, to only include the carriers that your team uses. Previously all supported carriers would be listed, making it har...

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Pick your Shopify orders faster with our Picking List feature

As you know, our Shopify app OrderlyPrint allows you to easily create and print picking lists, invoices, and packing slips for your orders. We are excited to announce a new feature that will make ...

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SC Order Tagger Integration: Sort orders by date tags

OrderlyPrint is excited to announce that we now support date tags on your Shopify orders. This new feature allows you to sort your orders based on date tags, making it easier and faster to process...

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Include the order number on integrated labels

Integrated label paper is a great way to print both your OrderlyPrint invoice or packing slip, with a peel-off address label on the same sheet of paper. In addition to the shipping address of the ...